Creating URLs for your site is more important for increase SEO. You need to select proper URL for pages.

Good SEO practices for URLs is to keep them under 100 characters long, to use dashes instead of underscores and to avoid special characters.

Bad URL:

This URL doesn’t have any significance to your user.

Good URL:

This URL is clean, each folder (“technology” and “php” in the URL) makes sense, and it gives us a pretty good idea of what we’ll find when we visit the page (technology php).

How to Creating Great URLs

  • It should be obvious: If a user can look at your URL and make an accurate guess about the contents of your page, you’re on the right track.
  • Use keywords when you can:Those keywords that you spent so much time researching for your content can be used in your URL. Name your folders accordingly, using the keywords where appropriate.
  • Shorter is better:A short URL is easier to copy and paste, say, and write.
  • Never use multiple subdomains: 
  • Avoid too many folders: A folder creates one more layer that search engines have to crawl through—omit unnecessary folders from your site structure.
  • Don’t use uppercase characters:Keep your URLs simple and concise by always using lowercase text.
  • Don’t use any symbols:Search engines treat dynamic and static URLs differently, so keep yours static—that means no random characters. “?^&” means nothing to your user. If your website is in the CMS, then you have nothing to worry about—all CMS URLs are static.